Ace Your Interview

Demonstrate your value during the recruitment process - test the role for fit so you can accept an offer with confidence

Want to give yourself the best chance of landing
your dream role?

There are many reasons why you may feel unconfident about your next interview...

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

The last interview you had was for your training contract

And you're not sure how to position yourself for a role as a qualified lawyer

You've been unsuccessful in previous interviews

And you haven't been able to get feedback on why you've been rejected

You're unhappy where you are and really want to leave

And this may be impacting how you come across at interview

You're worried you might go out of the frying pan into the fire

But you don't know how to test a new role for fit

If you're asking yourself, "What on earth can I do about this?"

Then, read on...

  • Do you want to learn the insider secrets of what recruiters look for?
  • Do you want top tips on how to stand out from other candidates? 
  • Do you want to plan how to answer tricky questions
  • Do you want to know how to test whether a role is right for you?

Then my unique 'ACE YOUR INTERVIEW' programme is for you!

Turn around your interview performance with my online course and one-to-one coaching package to:

  • Create a compelling first impression
  • Communicate your worth
  • Turn yourself into the must-hire candidate

As soon as you enroll, you'll get immediate access to 16 ONLINE VIDEO LESSONS and WORKSHEETS which you can go through at your leisure.

Then you'll use my online scheduler to book your 2-HOUR INTERVIEW COACHING SESSION with me at a time that suits you.

You get to decide how you want to use our time together - we can plot your interview strategy, go through any concerns you have about your application, your CV and/or your experience, practise answering interview questions.

You can also use the time to do a mock interview and receive feedback from me on your interview presence, your question responses and any other comments that you would find helpful.   

Scroll down for details of the online course content below


Read how 'Ace Your Interview' helped this lawyer land a great new opportunity after two unsuccessful interviews

‘S’ had been unsuccessful at two different interviews and couldn’t work out how to change their approach to show their potential and land a new role.

'S' realised they had to change how they were showing up at interview so they enrolled in  'Ace Your Interview' 

After completing the online modules and talking through their approach in our 2-hour coaching session, they learned a totally new way of preparing to impress at interview.

 Here's what happened next.... 

 One week later, 'S' sent me another email.... 

What's included in the online course?

Paula McMullan

A little bit about me...

My mission is to ensure that talented and ambitious lawyers have the coaching and mentoring that I never had when I was a lawyer. I want to see all my clients get the fulfilment they deserve from their career and enjoy all the knock-on benefits in their personal lives of being in a role that aligns with what's most important to them.

I develop a bespoke coaching programme for each lawyer to reflect their goals and objectives because a one-size-fits-all approach is simply not the way I work, nor will it work for you. Whether you're:

  • feeling at a crossroads in your career, uncertain which next step to take, or even what you actually want from life
  • wanting to make an impact in your current or new role so that you get that promotion you deserve
  • looking for a new role, but it's been years since you updated your CV and besides you don't want to go out of the frying pan into the fire

I can help you clarify your thinking about your long-term career aspirations so that whatever you decide to do today is advancing your career in the right direction.

Clients tell me that it really makes a difference to them knowing that they're talking to someone who gets the high-performance, high-blame culture in so many businesses these day and everything I have learned during my 25 years in the legal profession as a lawyer myself, then Head of Recruitment and Careers Coach at two Magic Circle firms and 15 years of coaching lawyers at all stages on their career really adds value to our coaching relationship.

I look forward to supporting you too on your professional journey.


"After being invited to a first stage interview with a US firm, I was very fortunate to have found Paula on LinkedIn to help me prepare.

The preparation tasks she sent over before the coaching session were very useful as all the questions helped me to start thinking about ME and MY skills and what I can bring to the table. I started drawing out my experiences in a subtle manner.

The coaching session was the most valuable experience I have had.

During the coaching session, Paula helped me streamline my responses to potential interview questions. I was actually focusing on answering the questions instead of waffling!

As I don’t have a conventional background and with law being a second career, Paula was brilliant in helping me identify how my previous career consists of strengths which interviewing partners would see as an asset.

I was told by so many that moving from in-house to private practice was impossible as I did not have the right skill set, Paula helped me explain how having trained and qualified in-house would be useful in transitioning into private practice.

Paula shifted my focus and instilled confidence in me and as a result of her advice and guidance I secured a role in an international law firm!

Thank you Paula for your guidance - I will definitely be coming back to you in 12 months when I am looking to make my next move."

1 year PQE Associate
International Top 25 Law Firm

Programme Pricing

Ace Your Interview


    • Access to my online 'Ace Your TC Interview' mini-course
    • 2-hour private interview planning session or mock interview
    • A clear strategy for making yourself the must-hire candidate
Enroll now