Develop An Empowered Mindset To Advance Your Career

Build positive beliefs to conquer your imposter monster & find your inner resilience

Is something holding you back from
achieving the success your deserve in your career?

There are many reasons why a lack of confidence may be limiting your career potential

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

Imposter syndrome is crippling your ability to put yourself forward for new challenges

And you have no idea how to silence your inner critic

You don't know how to navigate working in an environment that has different values from you

And as a result, it feels like you're failing 

You're limiting your horizons by making unhelpful assumptions & comparisons 

And this is exhausting you and draining your energy

The limiting beliefs you have developed over the years are no longer fit for purpose

But no matter how you try, you can't shift them 

If that sounds like you, then you're in the right place....

Read on to find out more ...

  • Want to lessen the impact of the law firm mindset?
  • Turn your limiting beliefs around so that they empower and energise you
  • Do you want to work out your values and what's important to you so that you can ask for what you want and thrive in your career
  • Do you want strategies that will lesson the grip of your imposter syndrome and develop your resilience?

Then, this focused course & coaching programme is for you

Included in the online course are the following videos and exercises

Paula McMullan

A little bit about me...

My mission is to ensure that talented and ambitious lawyers have the coaching and mentoring that I never had when I was a lawyer. I want to see all my clients get the fulfilment they deserve from their career and enjoy all the knock-on benefits in their personal lives of being in a role that aligns with what's most important to them.

I develop a bespoke coaching programme for each lawyer to reflect their goals and objectives because a one-size-fits-all approach is simply not the way I work, nor will it work for you. Whether you're:

  • feeling at a crossroads in your career, uncertain which next step to take, or even what you actually want from life
  • wanting to make an impact in your current or new role so that you get that promotion you deserve
  • looking for a new role, but it's been years since you updated your CV and besides you don't want to go out of the frying pan into the fire

I can help you clarify your thinking about your long-term career aspirations so that whatever you decide to do today is advancing your career in the right direction.

Clients tell me that it really makes a difference to them knowing that they're talking to someone who gets the high-performance, high-blame culture in so many businesses these day and everything I have learned during my 25 years in the legal profession as a lawyer myself, then Head of Recruitment and Careers Coach at two Magic Circle firms and 15 years of coaching lawyers at all stages on their career really adds value to our coaching relationship.

I look forward to supporting you too on your professional journey.

Course Pricing

Develop An Empowered Mindset Programme


  • And stop holding yourself back

    • Access to 10 online lessons (videos & exercises)
    • 1 x 90-minute coaching session
    • 1 x 60-minute follow-up coaching session
Enroll now